
Always use your favorite text editor, anywhere.


I’m completely addicted to using Vim for editing text. Any time Vim is not around I feel so slow, so inefficient, so cumbersome. Thus I created Edd who enables me to use Vim literally anywhere.


Edd is a tiny script which allows to easily edit content of the clipboard with a single keyboard shortcut. In this way Edd enables you to always use your favorite text editor, wherever you need. The name edd is the abbreviation of EDit clipboarD.


Simple and straightforward:

select, edd, paste

Use Ctrl-V shortcut to paste the updated text. Some applications support the Ctrl-Shift-V keyboard shortcut for pasting clipboard content as plain text. Try this one if the formatting is broken.


Available command line options are:

--last open last edited text
--list select text from history list
--shortcut set up Alt-Shift-E keyboard shortcut

Note: Shortcut creation works with Gnome 2 and Gnome 3.


Edd uses the following environment variables:

set to the text editor of your choice
path to the config file (default: ~/.edd)
command to be executed by the keyboard shortcut

The default command is:

gnome-terminal --command edd

Use environment variable or config file to customize it:

EDD_COMMAND="gnome-terminal --geometry 111x44 --command edd"

Note: Run edd --shortcut to update the command afterwards.


The easiest way is to install the latest packages from copr:

dnf copr enable psss/edd
dnf install edd

However, edd does not depend on rpm packaging. It should run fine on any Linux distribution. Just make sure xclip is installed on your box, clone the repo and use happily :-)


Petr Šplíchal, Branislav Blaškovič, Ryan Brown and Eva Mráková.